ECI 524 Theory & Research in Global Learning

       “new” understanding: importance of creating opportunities for students and for myself to investigate and appreciate different cultures

       Inquiry Learning Project: Personal Philosophy on Global Learning

                *Merryfield article: 95% of the world lives outside the US

                *Herbert Simon’s “knowing”: means being able to find and use information rather than remembering & repeating it

                *Cosmopolitanism as explained by Kwame Anthony Appiah (2006)
                 universal concern (responsible for each other) and respect for differences (not trying to change people to become more like us);
                 his thoughts about the Golden Rule—”So, when I think about what I should do unto others, is what matters whether I’d like it done to me with my actual values and beliefs, or is what matters whether I’d like it done to me if I had their values and beliefs?” (p. 62)

       Changes in my thinking

                *Pre-personal philosophy of global learning: led students through a unit on folk tales in many cultures in which they developed plays to present to the class; emphasis was on common themes across cultures

                *Post-personal philosophy plan: before creating plays, take advantage of the opportunity to learn more about the differences between cultures & what makes each culture unique; make that part of play presentation as well

Connections to reading: to be 21st century global citizens, students need to build background knowledge about other cultures, appreciate differences, see other perspectives, make connections to the text & characters, and develop online reading & research skills while investigating global issues & concerns